Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Shout It Out Loud

Stop me if you've hear this one: How do you get a Nazi out of the White House?
Offer him a job at Breitbart News.
Or her. I hear they don't discriminate.
Ba dump bump. 
If you're keeping score at home, and if you don't have a program it's tough to keep score, Sebastian Gorka is out. The count after Evil Count Gorka resigned brings the total number of high-profile resignations and firings to a dozen. In seven months. I understand that these are difficult jobs requiring a lot of patience and carry a ton of stress, but what happens when that void is created? Are we creating more calm? Is our "President" creating more calm? Is it improving his golf game?
The easy answer is "no."
Except for the golf game. I hear the "President" has a terrific handicap. But that's another matter.
The metaphor of rats leaving a sinking ship comes to mind, but one look at the captain and you can see that the guy behind the wheel has whiskers and a tail. A quick look at the manifest suggests that the current ship of state is full of rodents and the ones that aren't eating one another are hastily looking  for an exit.
Or a job at Breitbart News.
Meanwhile, the "President" continues to tweet his pronouncements and push his fear-fueled agenda through the mouths and twitter accounts of those who are left. The initial backlash against a ban on transgender service men and women was not enough to get him to reconsider his proclamation. Nor was the outrage stirred by his suggestion of a pardon for Sheriff Joe enough to sway him from his reckless course.
What are we to do?
I like the idea of sheet caking. I like the idea of trolling with tubas. But mostly I like the example set by Boston. Go ahead and give the Proud Boys have their moment at the gazebo. Let them shout into the wind. Meanwhile, lift up your own voice to speak out against the hate. It doesn't have to be in a crowd or out in the streets. Let others know that no matter what they call themselves, a Nazi is a Nazi, and they need to check the calendar and the history books for the timeline on their peculiar ideology.
No racism. No sexism. No homophobia. No hate. No fear.
No more jobs at Breitbart.

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