Monday, July 03, 2017


As a salute to hard-working Americans everywhere, let me just give a hats-off to Donald J. Trump's handlers. Dealing with this kind of free-range maliciousness must be difficult if not impossible to deal with. Hard enough when the person from whom the bile exudes has little or no sense of responsibility or propriety, but couple that with the recklessness with which that spray is vented and you've really got your hands full. Is it any wonder that Sean Spicer would hide in the bushes? It's one thing to have to go on Entertainment Tonight and explain Mariah Carey's New Year's Eve "performance," but imagine stepping up to the podium and trying to do that for this "President."
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the one now out in front of the bushes and behind that podium tried to explain the reason behind the ugly twitterant her boss went on Thursday morning about Morning Joe hosts Mika and Joe. “When he gets attacked, he’s going to hit back.” Never mind how offensive or ridiculous. “I don’t think you can expect someone to be personally attacked day after day, minute by minute and sit back,” Sanders said. “The American people elected a fighter, they didn’t elect somebody to sit back and do nothing.”
Well, Sandra, that is precisely what I would expect from the President of the United States. For the record, I did not elect Donald Trump, and neither did a majority of Americans. And since that's how the game is played, I won't try and change the rules (as some people have recently suggested). This is also the guy who recently suggested, "We've had a very, very divided country for many years and I have a feeling that Steve has made a great sacrifice but there could be some unity being brought to our country. Let's hope so."
So maybe it's not going to be his media relations folks. Maybe his wife can keep him in line. She is, after all, dedicating her reign as FLOTUS to eradicating cyberbullying. "We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other," she said back in November. "We must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. It will be one of the main focuses of my work if I’m privileged enough to become your First Lady."
In the wake of her husband's takedown of a pair of cable news anchors, she had her spokesperson say this: “As the First Lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back ten times harder."
And it should be noted that Melania's spokesperson, Stephanie Grisham, said this with a straight face. Talk about a tough job. 

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