Friday, May 19, 2017


"As a government employee, I am granted health care and I see firsthand that to have health care, you need to have jobs. We need to continue to cultivate this environment that we're given the opportunity to have health care as well as jobs." If you were assuming that these were the words of our "President" in one of his early morning Twittages, you aren't far off the mark. These were the sentiments of newly selected Miss USA, Kara McCullough. Ms. McCullough, who is a scientist who works for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, made these remarks in the heat of competition, while under direct examination by host Julianne Hough. Later in the contest, she was asked what sh considers feminism to be and whether she considers herself a feminist. “I don’t want to call myself a feminist,” McCullough said. “Women, we are just as equal as men, especially in the workplace.”
Here are a couple of interesting factoids to stir into the mix. The MIss Universe compendium of pageants was owned, until 2015, by a "Donald J. Trump." Also, Ms. McCullough was representing the District of Columbia in the 2017 version. 
With that said, it would be fair to toss in the day after comments the newly crowned representative of the USA, clarifying her stance on health care: "I am privileged to have health care and I do believe that it should be a right," she said today on Good Morning America. "I hope and pray moving forward that health care is a right for all worldwide."
I think we can all get behind Miss USA on that one. Mostly because that was where we were just about two weeks ago. As we consider the duties and responsibilities of our current queen, I hope and pray that her job at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is safe. You never know when you're going to need something to fall back on, in case that next pageant doesn't pan out like you'd hoped. 

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