Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Irony Board

I'm never fully sure about irony. I suppose that's the nature of the beast. It doesn't help that we live in a world that currently seems to plant, harvest, manufacture, export and wallow around in it. Irony, that is. 
Stuff like this: “It’s up to us to speak up against the three most dangerous voices in America: academic elites, political elites, and media elites,” he said. “These are America’s greatest domestic threats.” He is Wayne LaPierre. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Rifle Association. He is telling his followers, his members, those who hang on his every utterance that tumbles from his pursed lips, that the elites are the threat.
And so, as is my nature, I decided to check out what the dictionary has to say about "elite." The folks who make the definitions say this: the choice part. Of course, Merriam-Webster is probably an example of exactly the kind of threat that Wayne was talking about. Who decides what words mean, after all? All them snooty intellectual types. Next I suppose you'll be telling us what a "threat" is. "An indication of something impending," in case you're one of those people who are willing to have their language controlled by an elite media empire. 
Beware of college graduates, and millionaires. Watch out for people who use their positions of authority to steer your thoughts and beliefs. People like Wayne LaPierre, who earned a Masters Degree from Boston College. Wayne earns just a hair south of a million dollars a year for his work with the NRA. And before he was elevated to his lofty spot at the top of the Gun Rights totem pole, he was a lobbyist (defined as "a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest" in case you were still keeping score). 
So I'm wondering just what Wayne would like us to believe. Is he telling us to watch out for educated types who try and influence us with their clever words and their bags of money? Is he appealing to our sense of irony when he tells us, from his place among the elite, that we shouldn't listen to him? Or is he blissfully unaware of this juxtaposition? "A pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning." Because I'm one of those intellectuals for whom you much watch out.

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