Monday, January 02, 2017

Performance Anxiety

See, here's the thing: Donald Trump is having a hard time getting people to come to his coming out party. His inauguration. The Radio City Music Hall Rockettes don't all want to perform. This is news. Whether this is real news or fake news is open to vast and profound speculation. Government by the people, for the people, and a great big celebration thereof, but exactly how this is all going to turn out is what will make the next few years so very entertaining. Or painful.
There will now be a great period of adjustment, during which what we will all have to find our footing. Especially for those high kicks. Yes, things will get dicey for many who sit outside the circle. Yes, it will be tough sledding for a lot of us who don't feel like getting back in line and waiting for a turn. It will be awful and it will be terrible, but it will be awful and terrible in America.
We are not living in North Korea, where the President there has executed more than three hundred people since he came into power five years ago. more than one hundred of those were senior government officials. Not removed from office. Not voted out. Removed from life. Murdered for not going along with the plan. The crazy, lunatic plan issued by Kim Jong Un. For instance, he had his head of education shot by a firing squad for having a "bad attitude." No discussion of eliminating a position or department. The elimination of a human being for not living up to the revolutionary expectations of their dumpling of a leader. e
Or maybe life would be better in Syria, where folks are fighting and dying for things they only hope to understand. Supporting anyone or anything can get you killed there, and voting? Well, let's just say that elections in Syria aren't exactly the peaceful transition of power that we all expect here in the United States. If the smoke clears and the bullets and missiles stop flying long enough, there might be some kind of celebration or festival.
An inauguration.
Just don't expect the Rockettes to to perform.

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