Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ignore Amus

Unloading the car, making sure there was enough foul weather gear and that the great big speaker was secured to the stroller, my mother-in-law's friend asked this question: "I wonder if he'll see any of this." The "this" to which she was referencing was the thousands of marchers assembling in downtown Oakland to march. The "he" was the Twit in Chief. In his Inaugural address, he told a waiting nation that on January 20, "we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People." A generous and lovely sentiment, but not one that was seemingly shared by the crowd that was gathering in the streets a day later. There were helicopters in the air, and satellite trucks on the streets, all filled with cameras trained on the bubble of "the people" who desperately wanted their country back. 
"January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now," announced Mister Twit using more characters in that phrase that Twitter would allow. And on January 21, there was still that question that hung in the air like so many news choppers, "Will he see any of this?" If it were part of a daily security briefing, he wouldn't because he has already asserted that he is far too intelligent to need such regular updates. How then, would he witness such an event as the Million Woman March? We know that he watches Saturday Night Live, even though he hates it. He has an eye out on the ratings for his old show with a new host, and he doesn't have anything nice to say about that. 
Come to think of it, he doesn't have much nice to say about anybody, anytime. Unless it were those words he used to close out his Inaugural Tweet: "You will never be ignored again." This was his promise, from the steps of the Capitol. Those were the words that might have been so much more meaningful coming from another mouth. It seemed as though there were a vast throng of people who poured out into the streets the very next day to test that promise. America is a rough town. Folks don't always work and play together in supportive ways. There is that underlying promise of E Pluribus Unum in these United States. Out of all these disparate elements come the one great nation. That beacon of hope. That city on the hill. We won't be ignored. Just try it. 

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