Thursday, January 05, 2017

How Is This Still A Thing?

What do we know? Really. The sun comes up. The sun goes down. You should always come to a complete and full stop at a red light. Death and taxes are inevitable Global warming is real.
Whoops. It would seem that there are some things that we still need to negotiate. Maybe there are some things in which we need to simply believe. It's about faith. In what then, exactly?
The Bible? Science? The earth under our collective feet? Sure. Let's start there. How could we not agree on Terra Firma? What's that? Latin? That's like ancient stuff. Five hundred years ago, when the Romans made up the word. They used to do that. The Romans used to be in charge of a lot of things. Things like language and aqueducts and the like. I believe in Romans. Their friends. Their countrymen.
I would imagine Ken Ham believes in Romans. They play a big part in the world as he sees it. There's a whole book in the Bible about them.  Like a lot of times when people are in charge of a lot of things, the Romans turned out to be bad guys who eventually became good guys. They got to be in charge of the Bible. Eventually. It took time. Hundreds of years. Maybe even thousands. Well, not too many thousands because the earth, for some of us, is only six thousand years old. People like Ken Ham. Ken is a creationist and founder of the "highly acclaimed" Creation Museum and Ark Experience. Ken believes the earth is six thousand years old. This is a little hard to reconcile with the four and a half billion years that some other people insist the earth has been circling around the sun. It's not a matter that can be easily negotiated. Thousands to billions? That's a lot of zeroes. So what if we squeeze things down to the essentials: Dinosaurs and the Garden of Eden. Dinosaurs of Eden. How fortunate for us all that Mister Ham wrote a book clarifying all that math. The dinosaurs, like all other creatures, were created on the sixth day. It took six days to create the heavens and the earth and all the creatures on it, and then there was that day off. In the intervening six thousand nine hundred ninety-nine years and fifty-one weeks, things have been pretty busy, what with all that erosion and other wear and tear on the planet. Some folks would like us to believe that the last ice age occurred seven thousand years ago. Last ice age? That would suggest that there was something going on before Eden and dinosaurs and this may be where the friction comes in. It could be all that friction that's causing the planet to warm up. If we're not careful, we could end up like the dinosaurs. Weeks from now.

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