Thursday, November 24, 2016


It's a tough year to make an accounting
I've got my health
I've got a Super Bowl
and a World Series win
I've got a woman I love
standing beside me
I've got a son out there
finding his own future
I've got my sense of humor
and a song in my heart
I've got a house
to come home to
I've got friends
who remember me
I remember them too
I've got a song in my heart
and stars in my eyes
I've got a lucky penny
I've got heartaches
I've got regrets
I've got missing pieces
I've got missed opportunities
I have all those things
and more than that
I have tomorrow
and the day after that
I've got a chance to make things
more like I imagined
I've got hope
I've got a chance
I've got a hand to hold onto
I've got thanks
For all of this and more

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