Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Only Thing Worse Than Being Talked About

Okay. I've been patient. I've been nice. It's been a while now since I brought up he who shall not be named, unless that name is somehow amended or mishandled in some way. Like that high speed train derailment: it's just so hard to look away.
This past week found our man Truhmp bringing up conspiracy theories about the twenty-three year old suicide of Vincent Foster. Mister Foster was an aide in the Clinton White House back then and at the time there was much ballyhoo made about the timing and circumstances surrounding his death. “There are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder,” Trump told the Washington Post, noting that Foster “knew everything that was going on, and then all of a sudden he committed suicide.” That sideways, passive aggressive style is still in full view: "there are people," he insists. Not him. He's above that. But certainly not above bringing it up for his own political gain two decades later.
And then there's the tack he's chosen to take on Elizabeth Warren: by calling her names. Not just any names, either. He chose to call her "Pocahontas" in reference to her Native American heritage. To question whether or not the percentage she claimed qualified her for minority status may have been a worthwhile ax to grind four years ago during her senate campaign, but tossing around that particular epithet now offended at least one reporter in the room. How did he respond? By doubling down and saying it all over again. That's how Mister Trumplermort rolls. 
Right on into a North Dakota oil industry conference, where he didn't call anybody names, but assured his audience that, once he becomes president, he is going to crank up the drilling and lay off the regulation. Trumlepup's vision of energy independence for our country makes Sarah Palin look like a Green Party candidate. "This is your treasure and you the American people are entitled to share in the riches," exhorted the man who would be king. While playing very strong to that particular house, it didn't make a lot of sense. Oil prices  have fallen as much as seventy-five percent over the past two years because of a supply glut caused by too much U.S. drilling, not by overregulation. The same is true with natural gas, which remains at depressed prices. 
Or maybe he's just figured out how to make America great again: by following the advice of everyone's favorite Republican demagogue, Ronald Reagan who once asserted that "Facts are stupid things." It's those facts that are standing squarely in the way of making America what it once was: an Arctic region covered in ice and snow. 
Have you registered to vote yet?


  1. Hahahahahha! I like the rythem of your writing Dave.. You should be in the newspapers. Oops do they exist anymore?

  2. Hahahahahha! I like the rythem of your writing Dave.. You should be in the newspapers. Oops do they exist anymore?
