Saturday, May 21, 2016

From The Hip

We are currently living in a world that expresses wonder and, for some, appreciation, for those who "say what's on their minds." No matter how offensive or off-putting, we seem to be finding a new fascination with that whole Free Speech thing. Pointing fingers and shouting "fire" in a crowded movie house is now all a part of "telling it like it is." It is frightening to think that this is the world that seems to care more about saving Ozzy and Sharon's marriage than their own. We are more concerned with rationalizing our own habits than finding new, healthier ones. We are allowing ourselves to be driven by the Twitterverse and the twenty-four hour news cycle. Each new tantrum or tirade has to be louder and harsher than the next, and a War on Christmas seems completely worth our time to discuss while a war against Islam is actually being fought with guns and bombs.
This is also the world where the fifteen minutes of fame set aside for everyone is being stretched in horrible new ways by George Zimmerman. You may remember George. He was the self-appointed neighborhood watchman who killed Trayvon Martin over a bag of Skittles. Or he was keeping his turf safe from possible threats. He was acquitted of second degree murder in Florida three years ago, and has spent the last three years living a life that suggests that even the most competent of Florida juries can get things wrong. Encounters with law enforcement have not been uncommon for George since then. He has been less than a model citizen, but then again, that seems to be that which we hold in high esteem these days. And he was a painter.
So was Adolf Hitler.
You can't pick up any of the Fuhrer's work on E-Bay, but you can put in a bid on a real and true Zimmerman.  Or at least you could. Running dry artistically doesn't seem to have deterred George from finding ways to make his infamy work for him. He recently put another item up for auction: the gun he used to shoot Trayvon Martin. This is not the first time he has tried to make money off the nine millimeter handgun that was used in the commission of a felony. Sorry. Alleged and then acquitted felony. And meanwhile, he has taken to the interwebs to compound his failings as a human being by asserting in an interview that Trayvon's parents parents "didn't raise him right," and nothing about his own upbringing. That which delivered the domestic violence and road rage into our midst, as well as the death of that teenage boy.
Et tu, Georgie?

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