Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ain't That America?

O beautiful for spacious skies, 
For amber waves of grain, 
For purple mountain majesties 
Above the fruited plain! 
America! America! 
God shed his grace on thee 
And crown thy good with brotherhood 
From sea to shining sea! 

I read on from there. Eight verses, and not a mention of guns in the batch. Simon and Garfunkel went on and on in their ode to hitchhiking across this great land of ours, with a nod to "real estate" and a man in a gaberdine suit they managed to get through their song without having to include a refrain about the glory of popping a cap in anyone or anything. Just those cars on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Well there's a young man in a T-shirt
Listenin' to a rock 'n' roll station
He's got a greasy hair, greasy smile
He says: "Lord, this must be my destination"
'Cause they told me, when I was younger
Sayin' "Boy, you're gonna be president"
But just like everything else, those old crazy dreams
Just kinda came and went 
John Mellencamp, late of the Indiana Cougars, was able to express his love of the country surrounding his hometown. Ain't that America? For you and me? It might be, but it's not for Jeb "!" Bush. For the Republican's last chance at a legacy, America lives in the Twitterverse, or in the chamber of his weapon, as he tweeted on Tuesday. For Jeb^, America is found in the barrel of a gun. The barrel of an engraved gift of a gun. And maybe that has something to do with the reason that he continues to ask people to clap at his fundraisers. I guess the good news is that he's not doing it at gunpoint. Not yet, anyway. 

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