Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Word Of Don

"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." That's how the King James version reads. Second Corinthians, chapter three, verse seventeen. It's in the Bible. Some call it "the Word of God." Or "The Good Book." Whatever we call it, if you quote it during your speech at Liberty University, you probably want to include some of that in your prepared remarks. They've been training champions for Christ at Liberty University since 1971. That last piece of information didn't come from the Bible. It came from their web site, which doesn't count as the revealed word of God, since I'm not sure how up He is on HTML. 
So there's Donald Trumpf at the podium, on Martin Luther King Day, speaking in front of those christian soldiers, and he mentions "Two Corinthians. Three seventeen. That's the whole ballgame." A lot of people might have taken a moment or two to prepare enough to refer to it as "Second Corinthians" instead of "Two Corinthians." And he used his impressive knowledge off The Good Book to make a connection between Liberty University and Christianity. Where there is the Spirit of the Lord, after all, there is Liberty. Get it? Liberty University? Spirit of the Lord? That's where he was, and he was working those future champions for Christ into a tumultuous frenzy, but reminding them that Christianity is under siege. His Donaldness was probably referring to that whole gay marriage thing more than the beheading of Christians in Syria, but if it gets him a point or two in any poll, he's happy to oblige with a sound bite or two. “I don’t know what it is, we don’t band together, maybe. Other religions, frankly, they’re banding together and they’re using it,” Trump said. “The power we have, somehow we have to unify, we have to band together, we have to do in a really large version what they’ve done at Liberty, because Liberty University has done that. You’ve banded together. You’ve created one of the great universities, colleges, anywhere in the country, anywhere in the world, and that’s what our country has to do that around Christianity. So, get together folks and let’s do it because we can do it.”

Because, sports fans, it seems to Herr Trumplemeyer that Christians haven't been bonding together enough. Not like those "other religions." Maybe Trumpenstein could have pondered another translation of the verse he chose to lay on his potential votes. The  English Standard version of the Bible suggests the word "freedom" instead of "liberty." I leave you to ponder the semantic difference while Donny packs his bags and heads off to his next stop. Hopefully there won't be a quiz.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Extra point for the ballet reference.
