Saturday, September 06, 2014

Healthy Habits

I was just getting used to saying, "Honey, could you drop by CVS and pick up some throat lozenges?" Or, "Honey, could you drop by CVS and pick up some Neosporin?" Not that we need either of those items on some radical, weekly basis. CVS has become our neighborhood drugstore. In truth, depending on the season, I am just as likely to ask my wife if she wouldn't mind stopping by CVS to pick up an additional string of Christmas lights. That's the kind of convenience this place has to offer. It's everything we need, and it's just a few blocks away.
It wasn't always that way. When I first moved to the area, this was a Long's Drug. There was a bit of a tumult when the big red and white sign was replaced with another big red and white sign, but mostly it was the same aisles of merchandise that qualified it as something distinct from a grocery store and your average discount store. It was a place you could go with a more than fifty percent certainty that you could buy a hairnet there. It filled a niche.
CVS became our drugstore. It was, conveniently enough, on a corner. So that worked. And every so often they had a sale on peanut butter M&Ms. Well, now I'm prepared for the next big change: CVS is changing their name. They will no longer be called CVS Caremark. They will now be referred to as CVS Health. Imagine my surprise when I had been going to a CVS Caremark all these years and didn't even know it. Imagine my surprise when I heard that the cigars and cigarettes that used to fill the shelves behind cash registers will be replaced with nicotine gum and signs urging visitors to kick the tobacco habit. I guess they are taking this name change very seriously. Which is nice for me since I don't really know or care what a "Caremark" is. 
Now I can feel righteous about heading up the block for that extra string of twinkle lights. It's for my Health, after all. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish they would change their name back to "Longs" and un-widen the aisles and stock more interesting things like plants and balloons, and stop giving us all these bs long scraps of paper to fill up our purses when we leave. It's just not healthy.
