Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It's Getting Cold Out There

John McCain referred to Russia as "a gas station masquerading as a country." This comes as the senior senator from Arizona describes his experience visiting Ukraine last week. Furthermore, he continued, “It’s kleptocracy, it’s corruption. It’s a nation that’s really only dependent upon oil and gas for their economy. And so economic sanctions are important. Get some military assistance to Ukrainians, at least so they can defend themselves. Resume the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Look at Moldova and Georgia, both of whom are occupied by Russian troops as we speak, a path toward membership in NATO.”
He was also featured in the New York Times' Op-Ed section, where he wrote,"Crimea has exposed the disturbing lack of realism that has characterized our foreign policy under President Obama. It is this worldview, or lack of one, that must change." McCain added: "Crimea must be the place where President Obama recognizes this reality and begins to restore the credibility of the United States as a world leader."
Realism? Johnny Mac wants realism? How about we start with Vlad the Impaler, who seems to have taken his vision of world domination straight from a game of Risk.  That's where I first hear of Ukraine, and Kamchatka, and Irkutsk. Putin is the guy intent on rolling the dice, as the world at large sits around the board, staring in disbelief. Who does he think he is? A Bond villain without his necessary opposite on Her Majesty's Secret Service.
That might be why more than fifty thousand Russians showed up in Moscow to protest the reality that is being perpetrated in their name. Russia's not-so-free press put the number at around three thousand. Again, not so realistic. According to many of these protesters, economic sanctions would do the trick. They don't want a war. It's the guy with the eye giant laser, sitting in the swivel chair slowly stroking his long-haired cat, who seems to be missing the message.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still swooning at "kleptocracy." Almost like the old, intelligent, independent-thinking McCain.
