Monday, November 25, 2013

Wedded Bliss - ish

There was a comedian, I wish I could remember who it was but time has a way of shaving off attributions, who once suggested that nothing says "I'm getting my life together" like carving a fresh swastika in your forehead. This very funny person was referring to Charles Manson's approach to his upcoming parole hearing. That was many years ago, and Charlie is still doing time up the road from us in San Quentin. He is seventy-nine years old and will almost surely die in prison, but that doesn't mean things aren't looking up for everybody's favorite Beatles revisionist.
Chuck M.'s in love. Or to be more precise, someone's in love with Chuck. "Star," as she was named by the convicted killer, is a twenty-five-year-old girl who has spent the last six years pining for the mastermind behind the Tate-Labianca murders. Visiting him is just part of her plan to become the number one fan of Charles Manson. She maintains a number of pro-Manson websites, as well as carving an X on her forehead. Ah, young love. Young love with a nearly eighty-year-old nutjob who won't ever take a breath outside prison walls. It's enough to make you wretch. Unless you happen to be Star.
“I’ll tell you straight up, Charlie and I are going to get married,” she told Rolling Stone. “When that will be, we don’t know. But I take it very seriously. Charlie is my husband. Charlie told me to tell you this. We haven’t told anybody about that.”
It won't be the first time Charlie's been married. He tied the knot with Rosalie Willis back in 1954. That one didn't last because he ended up in jail for stealing cars. While he was out for a couple of years he got married again to Leona "Candy" Stevens in 1958. Back in stir, Charlie must have considered his relationship status, because when next he found himself on the other side of the bars, he chose to avail himself of a great many delicate flowers: Leslie, Susan, Patricia, and a whole host of other pretty young things who just wanted to tune in, drop out and commit murder. Sharing a common interest is vital to the success of any relationship, which is why it's probably a good thing that Star seems to have her mind set on just one: Charlie.
Again, it's just great to see a guy getting his life turned around with the help of his lady love.

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