Monday, October 21, 2013

The Early Reviews Are In

Have you ever been so angry after you walked out of a movie that you wanted to beat up the people responsible? After you spent ten dollars, or more, for a ticket. After you paid for a nine dollar "medium" soft drink. After you bought a "king-size" box of Junior Mints that disappeared in the palm of your hand. After you waited through twenty minutes of ads for TV networks you never watch. After you've spent all that hard-earned money and time to see the latest blockbuster and it turns out to be an annoying rehash of every blockbuster that came before it, don't you feel like punching that director right in the face?
That's probably what was going through the minds of Mak Chi-shing and Mak Chi-hang. These young men came on the Hong Kong set of Michael Bay's "Transformers 4," looking to do some harm. Bay said "drugged up" assailants had been belligerent toward the film crew and one rolled metal carts toward actors on the set while trying to "shake us down." A police spokeswoman said two brothers who own a shop near the movie set approached Bay and demanded one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, or about thirteen hundred American."We will keep rolling metal carts toward you if you continue to make these absurd action films that have no point," or words to that effect. My Mandarin isn't as good as it probably should be.
Of course, I know that hitting Michael Bay in the face with an air conditioner isn't the real solution. I need to stop going to those 3D Imax surround sound screenings of the latest iteration of CGI hooey on the opening weekend. So, in a way, I'm really to blame for Michael Bay getting whacked in the face. Which I promise I will only take some small satisfaction. About twenty-seven dollars' worth. American.

1 comment:

  1. Is this for real! Hilarious. At least the way you tell it.
