Monday, June 17, 2013

Merry Christmas The War On Christmas Is Over!

Summer will be starting soon, but the folks down in Texas are already preparing for winter's presence. Sorry. That should be "Christmas Presence." Governor Rick Perry signed the "Merry Christmas" bill into Texas Law last week. Now God-fearing Christians need not fear being the ones to shout holiday-specific greetings to one another across crowded public school auditoriums. The governor was flanked by members of the Lone Star Santas and high school cheerleaders from the town of Kountze, where they really do believe that God is on their side. This new law protects celebrations of Christmas and other holidays at public schools across the state, as well as symbols, like the Christmas tree or a menorah, provided more than one symbol or religion is reflected.
Time to dust off my Flying Spaghetti Monster Nativity scene.
Always on the cutting edge of civil rights and forward thinking, represented by State Representative Dwayne Bohac, became incensed when he discovered that his son had a "Holiday Tree" at his school and not a proper Christmas Tree. Have you tried to sing "O, Holiday Tree?" That extra syllable just doesn't scan well. And more to the point, what about all those oppressed Christians? The ones who saw their numbers dip ten percent over the past two decades? Of course, once you add in Catholics on top of that holy mess, you end up with seventy-five percent identifying as Christian or Catholic, but that's hardly the point. It's a free speech issue, right?
Governor Perry? “I realize it’s only June. But it’s a good June and the holidays are coming early this year. It’s a shame that a bill like this is the one I’m signing today is even required, but I’m glad we’re standing up for religious freedom in this state. Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion.” Yes, it's a shame.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the FSM link! Just think of what you could do this season if you think of all of the strands of light as noodly appendages....
