Sunday, April 28, 2013


I don't think I would like to live on Planet Beck. There's always trouble brewing there of some sort of another. The schools are attempting to indoctrinate the children into some sort of socialist reformation. The debt would cause the old currency to collapse in the next few years, necessitating the formulation of a new currency to be based on land, not gold. The president wants to create his own "civilian army" that will be deployed to implement socialism or Marxism or anti-colonialism all across the country. He also claims to have evidence of a plot by a Saudi national to explode bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.
Hold on a second. Saudi? Boston? That's my planet! You mean I've been here all along? Suddenly I know exactly how Charlton Heston felt.
The good news, I suppose, is that Glenn doesn't have Faux News to promote his version of reality anymore. Fairly unbalanced. So far, his smoking gun is a document that he claimed is an official US “event report” showing that the Saudi in question is a bad, bad man who was on a no-fly list and already subject to visa revocation. He is on that no-fly list along with twenty-one thousand other individuals, about five hundred of which are American citizens. That leaves a lot of spots open for people from other countries. Like Saudi Arabia.
Could this bad person be responsible for any sort of terrorist act? Maybe. It could also be that he was an innocent spectator who was injured at the event, and authorities questioned him just like they questioned hundreds of other innocent spectators. Glenn's paranoid fantasy goes so far as to speculate that a Saudi national may have been an Al Qaeda control agent who recruited the Tsarnaev brothers to carry out the Boston attacks.
And if he's right, they will no doubt be responsible for bringing on the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

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