Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Suppose They Gave A War And Nobody Came

Remember the Axis of Evil? George "Dubstep" Bush used to refer to Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the bad guys, complete with their own nickname. We were supposed to be afraid, right along with him, that one or all of these nasty countries were going to use their weapons of mass destruction against god-fearing souls over here in the West. The correct god, that is.
Well, as it turns out, those weapons of mass destruction never fully materialized in Iraq, though the decade we spent over there looking for them and then picking up after ourselves should have let some of the evil out of their sails. Iran keeps blowing things up and talking tough, but they haven't managed to get their full evil on the way we might have hoped. That would make it so much easier to invade them too. There's probably at least a decade's worth of quagmire to slog through there. But we live in more enlightened times, and while we seem content to send a drone or two over Tehran now and again, there just doesn't seem to be the patience over here to send in an army or two.
Which leaves us with that upstart North Korea. They seem to be spoiling for a fight, in spite of the fact that they can barely feed their own people, Kim Jong-un really seems to be committed to his sabre-rattling. Underground nuclear explosions and missile tests come right along with what Washington insiders refer to as "familiar rhetoric."
Still, who really wants to wake up some morning with the realization that that wild hair that seems to weave its way through the powers that be in Pyongyang. "From this time on, the North-South relations will be entering the state of war and all issues raised between the North and the South will be handled accordingly," read a statement carried by the North's official KCNA news agency. Come on, guys. Put up your dukes. It doesn't sound like anybody in North Korea is going to be happy until the shooting starts.
Where's Dennis Rodman when you need him?  Maybe he's hanging around the ranch down in Crawford.

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