Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Only A Lad

He really couldn't help it
Only a lad
He didn't want to do it
Only a lad
He's underprivileged and abused
Perhaps a little bit confused-
Oingo Boingo "Only A Lad"
With the exception of the "underprivileged" part, these could have been the words Dennis "The Worm" Rodman used to describe his new pal, Kim Jong Un. Instead, he used these: "No, I'm not apologiz[ing] for him," Rodman said. "You know, he's a good guy to me. Guess what? He's my friend. I don't condone what he does … [but] as a person to person - he's my friend." The word "conventional" doesn't come up very often when describing Dennis, which may explain his most recent fling with the media. Rodman traveled through Pyongyang with members of the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team and a camera crew from the upcoming HBO series, "VICE." The show describes itself in a very Rodman terms: it smashes barriers of decorum. This is a guy who left basketball to compete in World Championship Wrestling, and has dated Madonna and been married to Carmen Electra and himself. Not conventional.
He's also fond enough of the limelight to put himself through the ritual embarrassment of "Doctor" Drew's Celebrity Rehab and Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice. With friends like these, who needs a press agent? Or an interpreter? Or a member of the State Department?Never mind the decades of oppression that Kim Jung Un have visited on his country. "He wants Obama to do one thing: Call him," Rodman told ABC's George Stephanopoulos. "He said, 'If you can, Dennis - I don't want [to] do war. I don't want to do war.' He said that to me. He loves basketball. And I said the same thing, I said, 'Obama loves basketball.' Let's start there." If only The Worm had been around to help Nixon open China.

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