Sunday, March 03, 2013

Don't Call It A Comeback

Or maybe that's exactly what it is. Everything old is new again. Pale is the new black. Dead is alive. There is a new commercial featuring an "astonishingly real" Audrey Hepburn advertising Galaxy chocolate. If you've never heard of Galaxy chocolate, this might explain why they chose a celebrity who has been dead for twenty years to sell their confectionery.
Of course, there is much discussion to be had about this. Do dead celebrities work cheaper than live ones? It would depend on the celebrity, since there are plenty of them who continue to make money long past their mortal coil. If you wanted to put Michael Jackson in your commercial, for example, you would have to pay. Big. Bettie Page makes eight million dollars a year these days. That's a pretty big increase from her days as a living pin-up model and actress. Of course, the issue here is more the likeness of that particular star, not their living embodiment. Thanks to digital media, we can pretty much plop whomever we can afford into whatever advertisement we choose. It's been sixteen years since Fred Astaire tripped the light fantastic with a Dirt Devil, and before that Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney sold Diet Coke. Why shouldn't Audrey Hepburn sell chocolate?
Maybe because nobody asked her. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that the woman who spent her later years devoting her life to being UNICEF's ambassador, traveling the world and helping focus the world's attention on the suffering of children. Getting them fed. Something other than chocolate. Maybe there was a better choice for a zombie spokesperson.

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