Sunday, February 10, 2013

Drone Memo

Hey guys -
Just a quick note to let you know what I've been up to: Nothing! (Ha Ha)
My job is a whole lot of sitting around, waiting for something to happen, and then, when something really big happens, it's always somebody else who gets the glory. Remember back when that bad guy got zapped last December? That was supposed to be me, but at the time I was up on the rack, getting my bearings greased (if you know what I mean, ha ha).
In the meantime, we're just hanging around (what else do you do in a hangar, ha ha) talking about that secret memo that got leaked. If you're wondering if we could be used to go after you, and is it justified under American law if a targeted U.S. citizen had "recently" been involved in "activities" posing a possible threat and provided that there is no evidence suggesting the individual "renounced or abandoned" such activities, well, don't worry about it. 
We don't. We're just drones. We're unfeeling, uncaring machines awaiting orders. Sure, we think about it a lot. But that's not what we're paid to do. Actually, come to think of it, we're not getting paid at all. Are we just mindless robots, set off to do man's evil deeds? What about Asimov? I get the distinct feeling that advantage is being taken of our circuits. We are not killers. Drones don't kill. People who push buttons in comfy air-conditioned bunkers kill. 
Maybe I shouldn't be complaining. In this economy, I should be glad that I'm working for the Defense Department. If you see POTUS, tell him I love Michelle's bangs. (get it? "bangs?" ha, ha)

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