Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Above The Law

There has been no shortage of celebrity spouting recently regarding the Second Amendment. Chris Rock, Tony Bennett, and Amanda Peet made their views known in Washington last week. Bruce Willis, who knows a thing or two about baring arms, told anyone who would listen at the Associated Press, "I think that you can't start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it's all going to become undone. If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn't they take all your rights away from you?" Jim Carrey shared his thoughts on the issue via Twitter. "Any1 who would run out to buy an assault rifle after the Newtown massacre has very little left in their body or soul worth protecting," he wrote. After Fox News criticized the actor, he wrote Tuesday, "Yes, i agree with the ppl who argue that cars can be as deadly as guns but a car is a lot harder to get through the door of a classroom."
But talk is cheap, after all. It takes true dedication to put your trigger finger where your mouth is. Steven Seagal wasn't just shooting his mouth off when he offered to lend his expertise to train the posses that Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio wants to deploy around Phoenix-area schools. Mister Seagal wanted to help with the exercise planned for last Saturday at a closed school site in suburban Fountain Hills outside Phoenix. The Sheriff's SWAT members will act as shooters and twenty-five teenagers will play the part of students during mock scenarios involving up to three gunmen. Joe would eventually like to get three thousand god-fearing, gun-toting citizens trained up for an armed presence Seagal is already a volunteer posse member in Maricopa County, and has been deputized with sheriff's offices in New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana, where a film crew followed the actor on ride-alongs with Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputies for the reality TV show "Steven Seagal: Lawman."
Sheriff Joe would also like us to know that Mission: Impossible's Peter Lupus has also volunteered, as has gamma ray enhanced Lou Ferrigno. I'm sure it comes as a comfort to the citizens of Phoenix to know that they are being protected by at least one member of the Impossible Mission Force and one of the Avengers.
Sleep tight, Maricopa County.

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