Sunday, December 02, 2012

Don't Shout "Fire" In A Crowded Sweat Shop

The owner of a Bangladesh clothing factory where a fire killed one hundred and twelve people says he was never informed the facility was required to have an emergency exit.
He was never told that his goldfish needed to have water in their bowl.
He was never told that grass is green, though it could be greener on the other side of the fence.
He was never told that the sky is blue, except when it is obscured by smoke and flames.
He was never told that roses are red, and violets are blue - bucking convention.
He was never told that there is no free lunch. You have to buy one entree and get another at the same or lower price for free.
He was never told that it was against the rules to run in the halls.
He was never told that showing up to an interview in your pajamas sends a message to prospective employers.
He was never told that the earth is flat, at least where I'm standing.
He was never told that if you don't have bees, you don't have honey.
He was never told that if you don't work, you won't have money.
He was never told that where there's smoke, there's fire.
He was never told that in space, no one can hear you scream.
Those last two have probably got more to do with the recent tragedy than the others, but we all live and learn. Unless we were one of the unfortunate souls inside that factory.

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