Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Passing

Ah, 2012, how we will miss you. As my son pointed out, we survived the apocalypse and Mitt Romney, so what else do we have left to fear? If you're fifteen it's a cross between girls and zombies. Girl zombies would be almost unthinkable, though talking to them might be easier than the fully alive alternative.
Speaking of dead, we lost a few good ones this year. Most recently we had the double play of Jack Klugman and Charles Durning. Abe Vigoda, lingers on. I can continue without Andy Griffith and Clarence Clemons, but it won't be as fun. Maybe they'll get together and jam. Davy Jones, Levon Helm and Etta James could join in, and Dick Clark could host. Maurice Sendak has gone where the Wild Things are. Larry Hagman could have used J.R. Ewing's luck or Tony Nelson's genie to help him beat cancer, and Neil Armstrong beat him to the moon anyway.
The iPhone 5 came out, as did Anderson Cooper. NASA went even further by sending our Curiosity to Mars. Sandy wreaked havoc on the east coast, so very few people noticed this catastrophe. Nobody got rich on Facebook stock, probably because forty-seven percent of us were waiting for our handout.
Around the house, we all grew a little older. We worked a little harder. I won a prize. And there was much rejoicing. There was more laughter than tears, but we had our share of both. We learned a few new things and forgot some others. We're happy about the election, but worried about the fiscal cliff. And those zombies.

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