Saturday, November 24, 2012

Feel The Rush

The title of the story was "Black Friday Doesn't Live Up To The Hype." Really? I thought that was all that we could hope for: hype. Being first in line for the doors to open on a Christmas shopping season that, by many accounts, has already begun, doesn't seem like the best use of my time today. Maybe it's the accounts of previous years, in which strangers trample one another for a chance to get an additional ten percent off the already ridiculously low price for a fifty inch TV. The fifty inch TV they're buying for their sales-crazed family who lurk about in the next aisle, savaging their way to even greater savings. Hunting and collecting. Take no prisoners. Unless they offer an additional discount.
No thanks. I've seen the aerial footage of the parking lots and the cars schooling like hungry piranhas, searching for that one available spot. That one's just as ripe for a confrontation as the last Mario game on the rack. We understand supply and demand, and we want more! That's because we are Americans. Never mind the bloody conflict in the Middle East, or the Best Buys and Wal Marts still shuttered on our own east coast because of Superstorm Sandy, get out there and shop!
Not to say that I am above a little crass consumerism. I've watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas" enough to know the true meaning of the holidays. They're brought to you by Dolly Madison.  And since they went out of business right along with Hostess, it could be that the Mayans were right. It is the end of days. Where are my car keys? I've got to get me to the mall!

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