Monday, September 10, 2012

Would You Like Fries With That?

How does one explain the success of the McRib? A sandwich made with something that looks like the thing that crawled into Chekov's ear in "Wrath of Khan" and garnished with pickles is a huge sensation. People line up for it. It will not go away. Why are we lining up for it?
There is no question that the marketing machine behind McDonald's is second to none. Their food is the reward for being drawn into the restaurant by the siren song pouring out of the television over the last fifty-eight years. Are there better burgers? Sure there are. And all those other menu items that come with the prefix "Mc?" From the Big Mac to all those "healthy alternatives?"
It has nothing to do with nutrition. Feel free to ask Morgan Spurlock about that. Yet, I feel drawn to the Golden Arches time and time again. Sometimes I even drag my family and friends along with me. I feel the shame, but I line up anyway. I deserve a break today.
Why would I feel the twinge when I get yet another e-mail from the Obama campaign, begging me to kick in just a little more: fifteen dollars here, thirty dollars there. I already gave. And I put a link on my blog, right over there. Haven't I done enough?
I hear the refrain of those e-mails, and the news reports announcing how Mitt "I Care More Than Obamacare" Romney and his party have outspent Obama and continue to rake in money for even more.
Is this really how we're going to elect our president? The same way that we make our questionable fast food choices. I don't know for sure, but if they can sell an super-sized earwig on a bun with a good ad campaign, maybe we should keep this in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! A super-sized earwig on a bun!!! I'll never eat one again!!!
