Saturday, September 08, 2012

The Neverending Story

The word on the back of the car was "Maxima." I looked it up. It is the plural form of "maximum," and that means the greatest value or quantity possible. These cars are, by definition, the greatest. None greater can be imagined of conceived. They are made by Nissan, which continues to build cars. They continue to make other models. Lots of them. How can that be?
There is also an Ultima. This supercar is described by its makers as "the result of over twenty years of extensive research and development and is a product that takes the Ultima marque to sensational levels of fit, finish and performance." Pretty awesome, but if it truly lives up to its designation as "ultimate," how am I going to get that sheet of plywood to my house from Home Depot?
Hyperbole. There are still plenty of cars left to be made. There are still better ways to get stains out of Billy's chinos. There are lots of ways to decrease or even eliminate our national debt. There is no one final answer. It's a long run. Who is still using their first generation iPhone? There are people working hard, at this very moment, trying to figure out what to do with all those expired smart phones. Ultimate? Maxima? Not yet. That's why they went ahead and made a sequel to "The Neverending Story." Two of them.

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