Sunday, August 19, 2012

TV Guide

What is the biggest threat to our nation's youth? Gangs? Drugs? Violent video games? Facebook? Well, if you lived in the Ukraine, you might say "Spongebob Squarepants." Psychologist Irina Medvédeva is quoted in a study from that country's National Expert Commission for Protecting Public Morality, alleging that children aged three to five years old, "pull faces and make jokes in front of adults they don't know, laugh out loud and repeat nonsense phrases in a brazen manner," after viewing Mister Squarepants. Quel Scandale!
"Projects aimed at the destruction of the family, and the promotion of drugs and other vices" include "Family Guy," "Futurama," "Pokemon," "The Simpsons" and "Teletubbies." The Ukrainians dismiss Spongebob as "gay." Teletubbies: "deliberately aims to create subnormal (men), who spend all day in front of the television with their mouths open swallowing all types of information," and promotes the "psychology of losers." Their knock on "South Park?" "Reincarnation propaganda."
Meanwhile, back in the Estados Unidos, a University of Virginia professor claimed that watching just nine minutes of SpongeBob could adversely affect the attention span and learning abilities of four-year-olds. Upon hearing this, I stuck out my tongue and shouted, "Barnacles!" Of course, the Ukrainians still have to take responsibility for this guy.

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