Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Can You Pick Your Running-Mate's Nose?

Paul Ryan is serious about protecting our children. Just ask Laurence Kotlikoff. "He holds the security and well-being of our country and our children first and foremost in his mind." That's because he's progressive. He wants to reform Medicare, which Mister Kotlikoff says may at first sound regressive, but is actually progressive. In his eyes, everything is apparently relative. Much like Ryan's suggestion that we lower the top level tax rates from thirty-five to twenty-five percent. Relatively speaking, if you're near the top of that group, you're probably thinking "progressive." Another shocking piece of news, he broke with a lot of his party to support the Employee Non-Discrimination Act in 2007. He explained his reasoning for the vote: "They [his gay friends] didn't roll out of bed one morning and choose to be gay. That's who they are." He's got gay friends?
And he's only forty-two. How much concentrated evil one can store up in that amount of time? Maybe that doesn't matter. The fact that the Mittenhauser Froth Romnington campaign raised more than a million dollars in the four hours after it was announced that Paul Ryan is the presumptive Vice Presidential nominee by the presumptive Presidential nominee of the Republican party. Contrast that with the fifteen dollars or so that trickled into the Democratic coffers when it was announced that Barack Obama was keeping Joe Biden. Nothing particularly progressive or regressive about that. It's going to be a long, long, Autumn. Relatively speaking.

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