Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sticks And Stones

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. I grew up with that little bit of rhyming wisdom to steer me clear of many playground confrontations. As hurtful as the names I was called were meant to be, my bones remained intact. That's why I chose to pass these words along to my son as he began his own path through the brushes and brambles of growing up. Looking at the news lately, I am wondering if I might want to revise my thoughts on the matter.
The advent of cyber-bullying has certainly had many parents re-evaluating their stance on name-calling. Especially when the one calling the names is a member of Congress. weeks ago, Minnesota's Representative and former presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann sought the assistance of inspectors general in the State, Homeland Security, Defense and Justice Departments, asking them to investigate potential "policies and activities that appear to be the result of influence operations conducted by individuals and organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood." She was calling out longtime Hillary Clinton aide-de-camp Huma Abedin. In a letter, Bachmann tells Minnesota's Representative Kieth Ellison that she is concerned about Abedin's familial connections to the Brotherhood, and raises concerns over her security clearance. She sent this letter because Ellison is a practicing Muslim himself, and asked her for "credible, substantial evidence" for her claims.
Never mind that Ms. Abedin had been working for the White House since 1996, and had certainly given the intelligence community ample opportunity to uncover her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Never mind that both John Boehner and John McCain have both come out in full support of her character and service to her country. She's also the wife of former New York Representative, Anthony Weiner. Something tells me she's probably already heard it all. But none of the names and labels mattered much until she started receiving death threats. Turns out that names can be dangerous.

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