Wednesday, July 04, 2012

It's Not Pink - It's Lightish Red, White and Blue

Fourth of July, and it's time for Jamboree! James Turley, a Boy Scouts of America national board member, announced that he will work from within the scouting organization to change its long-standing position barring gay Scouts and gay Scout leaders. So this year there will be even more to celebrate, right?
Unless you're Chuck Norris. "Is Turley working on his own initiative, or has the White House prodded him with perks and favors?" Norris asks in an article on, which also suggests that Obama has tossed several political plums Turley's way so that he will carry out what he describes as the White House's pro-gay agenda. "Is it a coincidence that Turley is in tight cahoots with the White House and that he is the only BSA national board member in one hundred years to oppose its pro-traditional family stance?"
First off, let me say that I have only recently returned from a trip to Disneyland, so I was intrigued by this contrast to the happiest place on earth: Ammoland. The most homophobic place on earth? Sorry, I meant "family-friendly." I'm not guessing there are any rides there, but you might be asked to field strip an AR-15 while live automatic weapons fire is sprayed overhead. You won't find any of those Nancy-Boys signing up for that one, I bet. Unless it was David Nelson, gay gun enthusiast. The right to bear arms is really not too terribly different from baring all sorts of other things, and it's what we should be celebrating this Fourth of July. Freedom and Tolerance should go hand in hand, but probably not in public, right?
I just know there's a Chuck Norris joke in here that I haven't fully mined, but right now, I'm going to exercise my constitutional right to ignore him.

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