Monday, June 18, 2012

Mystery Solved!

"Forest boy," wandered into the German capital nine months ago, carrying only a tent and a backpack. He told police he had been walking for five days to get to Berlin. He called himself Ray and told authorities that both of his parents were dead.
Authorities went to painstaking lengths to identify Forest boy, having checked his DNA with international missing person lists, made public appeals, and sent his fingerprints around the world, all to no avail. It was only this week that he allowed his photo to be released.
"There were things that did not fit with his story -- he was relatively clean and the tent he had with him did not look like it had been used for five years," Thomas Neuendorf of the Berlin police told German news website The Local.
German police said Forest boy insisted that he buried his father before starting his five-day trek that landed him in Berlin. But he didn't know where his father died, police say. Because he spoke English with an accent, German investigators thought that one or both of his parents could be American or British.
Now the mystery has been solved. He was actually lost in the woods for many months with his sister, Gretel, having escaped from the gingerbread house in which they had been held captive for several weeks. Apparently his story was disjointed and hard to track because of the diabetic coma which he had lapsed into after eating all that candy. Perhaps the German police should have checked for crumbs before DNA. Unless they were trying to figure out where Gretel went. there's been a lot of cannibalism going around these days.

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