Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Opinions Vary

North Carolina voters approved a ban on gay marriage. Joe Biden helped nudge Barack Obama's evolutionary thinking along by putting in his two cents about the subject. Now the administration that finally got around to rescinding "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is all about supporting the rights of everyone to get married. Even those who live in North Carolina, where later this summer the Democrats are heading to have their convention. Confused? Why wouldn't you be?
Maybe the democrats in North Carolina is hoping that having the President of the United States show up in their state will help put things back on track for them. A couple weeks back, North Carolina Democratic Party executive director Jay Parmley resigned in the wake of allegations that he sexually harassed one of his former communications staffers. For the record, President Obama is against sexual harassment. Four years ago, a young upstart from North Carolina came charging out to impress some, including myself, as a possible candidate for president. This senator and his haircut, John Edwards, is sitting out this election cycle, focusing on charges that he violated federal election laws during his 2008 presidential bid. Misuse of funds to cover up that affair he had. And that baby that turns out to be his after all. Barack Obama's feelings about children born out of wedlock are still evolving.
As are my feelings about North Carolina. What's up down there? I thought it was South Carolina that was supposed the weird one.

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