Saturday, April 07, 2012

Rock And Roll All Night, And Republican Party Every Day

"Hindsight is 20/20. I have some real issues with the economy and how it's being done. America should be in business and it should be run by a businessman," said the musician, who voted for Barack Obama in 2008. "Americans, smartly, and I applaud them for doing so, vote on the issues and not the party," he said. Ladies and gentlemen, you've seen the rest, now here's the best, endorsement, that is: Gene Simmons of the rock band KISS is supporting Mitt "Catcher's" Romeny in his run for the presidency of the United States. Gene, as the God of Thunder and star of reality TV is uniquely suited to make this judgement because he is, after all, a celebrity.
And an entrepreneur. Gene would be very happy to take care of your merchandising needs from the cradle to the grave. He never met a licensing deal he didn't love. This may be why his net worth bumps into that of his preferred candidate. I don't know if it is still vogue to throw around such numbers, but they must certainly frequent some of the same posh clubs and eateries. And speaking of restaurants, Mister Simmons is opening up his own chain of eateries, which he managed to include in his stump for his man Mitt.
This summer, you can catch Gene on stage, singing, playing bass, and alternately spitting blood and fire. No word as yet on who Tommy Lee is supporting, but we can only assume there will be some lively backstage banter, especially if Dave Mustaine shows up. Link

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