Sunday, March 18, 2012

If I Had A Million Dollars

"I'd buy you some art - like a Picasso or a Garfunkel." - Barenaked Ladies
The truth is, if I suddenly became a millionaire, I really don't know how I would go about spending it. In today's economy, I don't really know how far that chunk of change would go. Pay off my mortgage. Ensure my son's college education. I would probably play it safe, investing in something certain, like stock in Coca-Cola.
These days, as I read stories of bankers who are struggling to get by on three hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, and don't get me started about my football heroes. Okay, just a little. Drew Brees, quarterback for the New Orleans Saints and one of the "good guys" in the NFL, is reportedly incensed by the eighteen million dollar a year contract offered to him by his bosses. Terrell Owens has gone through the eighty million dollars he made during his fifteen years in professional football. Now he's making do with the salary and the hazards of the Indoor Football League. And then there's the issue of the homeless: Who will take poor Peyton Manning in?
I don't know. Maybe it is all relative and money won't buy happiness and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I quit my job to lead a life of luxury. So, it's back to work, because a million dollars just doesn't buy what it used to. Not even a Garfunkel.

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