Monday, January 23, 2012

Fear And Loathing

There are a lot of reasons to dislike Newt "Slimy Amphibian" Gingrich. I suppose it is to his credit that he doesn't seem to mind that people may choose to come down on this side of the equation, including some of those closest to him. Like his ex-wives, for example. Marianne Gingrich, the former speaker's second wife, also alleged that her ex-husband conducted his affair "in my bedroom in our apartment in Washington." She also said Gingrich moved to divorce her just months after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. "He also was advised by the doctor when I was sitting there that I was not to be under stress," she said. "He knew." According to Ms. Gingrich, her relationship with him began while Newt "The Toad" Gingrich was still married, but in divorce proceedings, with his first wife, Jackie. At the time, Jackie Gingrich was being treated for cancer.
Okay. That's his personal life. What about domestic policy? He recently said he would like to go to the NAACP and talk about "why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps." Never mind that the largest percentage of Americans receiving food stamps are white. That interferes with the reality that the former House Speaker, who was eventually cleared of all eighty-four ethics charges back in 1998, would like us to accept. It might also be a way to occlude the fact that the three million dollars he made in 2010 gives him rights to the executive washroom and the one-percenter's club.
How about foreign policy? What should we do with our enemies? "We kill them." All right then. Points for brevity, anyway. Of course he also once suggested we should “Give the park police more ammo,” responding to a reporter who asked what to do about the homeless a few days after the police shot a homeless man in front of the White House.
But I think the most likely reason may have been that his heart was two sizes to small.

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