Friday, January 20, 2012

Brain Trust

The online poll asked if I was surprised to find out that Rick Perry was dropping out of the race for Republican party's presidential slot. Was I surprised? Yes. Why I was surprised is a little different tune.
When Governor Rick first showed up on the scene, I was surprised by his strong showing. He was the hot commodity in the Grand Old Party. Where had we heard this tune before? Straight-shootin' straight talkin' Texan who was there to stir things up. The man who had executed two hundred and thirty-four death row inmates without losing a wink of sleep received quite the ovation from the crowd at the Ronald Reagan Library for doing just that. Of course, that was back in September. What has he done for us lately?
There was the meltdown onstage at yet another of the dozens of the Republican debates when he couldn't remember which agencies he planned to eliminate once he became president. He could remember two, but not three. Like that axis of evil over there, you know, with your Iraq and your Iranians and the (embarrassingly long pause here) you know (longer pause). At which point Ron Paul chimes in, "The homosexuals?"
And while we're on the subject of foreign policy, how about Rick's Middle East solution? Like sending American troops back to Iraq. Never mind that it was the Iraqis who asked us to leave in the first place, and that we did so honoring the executive order signed by that other former Texas governor back in 2008. This is a man who refused to think inside the box. Sorry Rick, but it looks like it's time to put those big ideas back inside the box, where he can use them for the job he still has.

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