Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Man

So who would you guess referred to the Occupy Movement as a "dance party in a public space?" Newt Gingrich? Michelle Bachmann? One of the chirpy talking heads on Fox "News" mayhaps? That would make sense, wouldn't it? Not in this case. It was none of the usual suspects. It was the self-described liberal and openly gay mayor of Portland, Oregon. It seems as though all of that open-mindedness has been used up with the now months-old protest that has come to rest in so many American cities. Initially he was in full support of the groups actions and goals, but lately he has been encouraging protesters to aim their ire away from local governments and instead pursue a national grass-roots effort focused on changing national policies.
How could this be? In the city recognized as: "#1 in sustainability," by the, and #1 green city by Popular Science magazine, "Best city for bicycling," by Bicycle magazine. "America's most vegetarian friendly city,"by and "#2 on list of America's most enlightened cities," UTNE Reader. The UTNE Reader, for goodness sakes. What could have gone so very wrong that a few tents, a few signs and a little civil disobedience is causing such a fuss in this liberal mecca?
"If it's too loud, you're too old," Ted Nugent once said. The Motor City Madman's politics will never be confused with those of Sam Adams, Mayor of Portland, but he may be able to relate. It is an interesting time in which we live where the openly gay liberal is the authority figure. I guess that's why we call it progressive.

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