Friday, November 25, 2011

That Girl

"In all of this excitement, I've kind of lost track myself..." - Dirty Harry
I know that Inspector Callahan wasn't referring to Republican Presidential candidates, but it's kind of hard to remember a time when Sarah "Quitter" Palin was ruminating on the possibility of a chance that she might consider thinking about being a part of that field. These days the news is full of Herman Cain's call from God to be a part of a sexual harassment suit, and Newt Gingrich's improbable rise back the top of this barrel of fish, while Rick Perry stands in a corner trying to remember what that third government agency was. Debate after debate, someone always seems to show up as a new lightning rod for controversy, even if there is no clear front-runner. Sorry Mitt.
But what about Sarah? Sure, she's got books to write and TV shows to host, but what about her political career? Didn't she just fold the tents on her little circus back in October? Sure, it's not uncharacteristic for the former governor and almost vice-president to bail on a commitment, but as a paid correspondent of Fox "We Make It Up, You Figure It Out" News you would have thought that she would have given the scoop to her employer. She didn't. She picked Mark Lewis' radio show to make her announcement. No TV. No Fox. No thanks. "I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network." A million dollars a year. Oh well, like the boys from Liverpool say, money can't buy you love. Or a political future.

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