Thursday, November 03, 2011

Occupy Earth

With all this occupation of this city and that city across this great land of ours, I continue to be impressed by the wide array of responses the ninety-nine percent have to the one percent. Making tent cities is the most prevalent, with tear gas and public urination being featured elements of many of these experiences. And all the while, the earth continues to shrug. Literally.
Over the past three weeks, the three weeks that the Oakland encampment has been in place, there have been four earthquakes within a five mile radius of city hall. It is a reminder that we are only renters, whether we are ninety-nine or one percent. This vision was never more clear than when I was looking at the pictures of those who were displaced by the most recent earthquake in Turkey. Thousands of people driven out of their homes, living in tents, waiting for relief from this natural disaster.
I was struck by this image, because my family owns a tent, and we have our rolling box of disaster supplies, and we are waiting for the little temblors we have felt over the past few weeks to become something more assertive. And destructive. It is a great leveler in a very literal sense. It won't matter what your tax bracket is when an eight point oh hits. Everybody is going to be living in the parks. I suppose the ones who are already there will get the best spots.

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