Thursday, October 13, 2011


When I was in fourth grade, I had a wonderful art teacher. She spoiled me for all the art teachers I would have from that point until my undergraduate days when I maintained, for about a semester, a major in studio art. What Ms. Kunesh taught me was this: Use your mistakes. Don't erase. Just keep going and you'll find a way to use that big black line through the middle of your paper. I've carried this with me, and I believe that Hank Williams Jr. got the message too.
A week and a half ago Hank Jr., Bocephus to all his rowdy friends, did something that he has done for most of his life: He shot off his mouth in public. On "Fox and Friends," he compared Barack Obama to Hitler, and then referred to the President and Vice President as "the Three Stooges." The first thing that occurred to me was to wonder how two guys could be three stooges, but that's not where Junior made his big mistake. His employers, the very sensitive folks over at Entertainment Sports Programming Network, which is a part of the American Broadcasting Corporation, which is in itself a part of the Walt Disney company, were watching. They decided that his views did not reflect those of the parent corporation and his twenty-two year run as the introduction to Monday Night Football.
A lot of people wanted to make it about free speech. A lot of people were happy to declare their allegiance to Bocephus, including Whoopi Goldberg and Jon Stewart. But at the end of the day, if you make your boss mad, you probably won't keep your job. You can share your opinions outside, but not from the worldwide cable network and the undisputed leader in sports programming.
And so that's what Hank Williams Jr. did. He and some of those rowdy friends put together a song that calls out both ESPN and "Fox and Friends." It goes: "So Fox 'n Friends wanna put me down/Ask for my opinion/Twist it all around." He finishes the verse: "Well two can play that gotcha game you'll see." Now that Sarah Palin has quit before she even began running for president, the country might be ready for some Bocephus.

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