Saturday, October 22, 2011

Signs O' The Times

There have been a number of amusing signs on display at the various "Occupy" demonstrations across the planet. There have been still more on Al Gore's Internet. The message of discontent continues to roil about out there in parks and streets across this great land of ours. While the world continues to sort out just where they stand on this "one percent versus ninety-nine" confrontation. Republicans would like to call it class warfare. Democrats would like to adopt it as their own version of the Tea Party. Plenty of millionaires have offered to pay their fair share. Whatever that is.
"Fair is when everyone gets what they need." These words keep ringing in my head as I consider the way our planet has become so oddly top-heavy. How could it be that one percent of the population controls more than forty percent of the wealth? This didn't happen overnight. Or years. Or even decades. We've had Rockefellers and Kennedys throughout our history. They are routinely held up as "success stories," but how much success does one really need? What about the bottom one percent?
I remember a comedian suggesting that if you are a homeless person with a "funny sign," you haven't been homeless long enough. Back at the "Occupy" camps, sometimes the sentiments are clear, other times they are obscure, but one thing's for sure: sign makers are making a killing off of this.

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