Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Merry Pranksters

According to a new Bloomberg News poll, one third of Americans believe Hillary Clinton would have been a better president than Barack Obama, and two-thirds view her favorably. Thirty-four percent of those polled believe "things would be better under a Clinton administration and almost half say things would be about the same, and thirteen percent say things would be worse. That's a lot of percentages to digest, but it looks like the forty-three percent of folks who disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing are probably going to agree with them.
Maybe this is why that one tiny fraction of a percent, Dick "Dick" Cheney, is suggesting that Hillary make another run for the White House, perhaps as soon as 2012. When asked about the sincerity of his motives by "Face The Nation" host Bob Schiffer, Dick replied, "No, I just thought Bob, that the Democrats ought to have as much fun on their side as we are having on our side figuring out who is going to run."
Fun? Gosh, maybe he's right. Remember when presidential politics was fun? If you miss those days, and wish we could have them back again, you shouldn't be lonely. There are percentages among you who would love to stir things up just a little. Even though she has repeatedly denied any interest in running against her boss, and is now working hard to still those muddied waters, the helpful droids over at Fox News are doing their best to keep that ball in play.
It brings to mind the glory days of Republican Dirty Tricks. Back then, there wasn't any real shame in belonging to an organization whose acronym was CREEP. Back then, "Dick" was working for a guy named Donald "Rummy" Rumsfeld. And then he was Chief of Staff for Gerald Ford. Ah, for the good old days. When Ford had a job approval rating of thirty-seven percent. If only Al Gore had invented the Internet back then, he and his buddy Bill Clinton could have put up a "draft Ronnie Reagan" web site. Wouldn't that have been funny?

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