Thursday, July 21, 2011

From The Ashes

A lot can happen when you go off on vacation for two and a half weeks. The last space shuttle mission blasted off for the International Space Station. The United States Women's soccer team made a run at the World Cup. And Glenn Beck rang down the curtain on his television circus. I didn't even get a chance to say "goodbye."
Well, that's not entirely true. If I had made it a priority, I could have found a TV somewhere in our travels and made a point to be sitting there on the last day of June when a tearful Glenn signed off for the last time. Maybe you missed this too: “I contend that is the reason we are successful here … because it’s true,” he said on his last broadcast. “It seems as though there’s no truth anywhere anymore. We’ve made a lot of enemies on this program. We’ve taken on every single person we’ve been told not to take on … because the truth has no agenda. It will lead us where it leads us. This show has not only survived; we have thrived. We’ve done amazing things together … It’s easy to do things when they’re from the heart. It’s easy to do things when you believe them.”
Survived? Thrived? Dude, you got cancelled. You were fired. You were let go by the very bosses that brought your frothing mouth to the airwaves in the first place. How's that for "truth." And as far a agendas go, well, history will decide just exactly what the Beckster was about for those two and a half years on Fox News. For another two and a half years before that he blasted away on CNN. This only suggests that we haven't heard the last of Glenn. Like Keith Olberman, who found the constraints of MSNBC too hard to bear and moved on to the much greener pastures of Al Gore's Current TV, Mister Beck will land on his feet somewhere.
Like his own TV network. Going one better than his liberal doppelganger, GBTV will feature Glenn's two hour signature show, blackboard and all, as well as a video feed of his radio program. News, entertainment, and recipes with a psycho-conservative-bent. Years of paying this guy millions of dollars has apparently given him the nominal clout of being able to launch his own subscription-based network. It was good enough for Oprah, so why not The Beckinator? Maybe I should have stayed on vacation.

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