Thursday, March 31, 2011

That Was No Pick!

It was a tough week in virtual sports. I spent about the same time that our President did filling out my NCAA men's basketball championship bracket, taking same the reasoned and thoughtful approach that he did: If there were teams that were seeded high in each of the four regional groups, why not stick with them to go the distance? Sure, there's bound to be upsets, but if the name of the game is predicting a winner, why not pick winners to start? There are lots of people who spend hours researching trends and matchups, anticipating upsets, but for me it's more work than I'm willing to invest. I plunked down my ten dollars and my very mathematical prognostication, and let it ride. Well, the past week wasn't kind to number one seeds in the NCAA tournament. Exactly zero number one seeds made it to the Final Four. I watched as my early lead among our group evaporated, with green correct picks suddenly crowded out with red wrong. I am used to the weekly manipulation and machinations of a Fantasy Football league, but this was a one-shot deal: I had made my metaphorical bed, and now I was forced to lie in it as it became increasingly less comfortable. I stopped watching the games and began to wait for the outcomes to show up on my computer screen, with ever-diminishing returns. Things were not going to turn out the way I had planned. Instead, they were going to turn out the way that fate had in store. I asked god to grant me the serenity to accept the things that I could not change. I then went into the living room and played Mario Baseball with my son. He beat me, and so I asked if we could play the best two out of three. He won the second. I went one for three, but the good news is I don't owe my son any money.

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