Sunday, January 02, 2011

She Put A Spell On You

My mother told me a long time ago not to pick at a scab. It won't heal that way. This was the wisdom that came my way as I read about the investigation of misspent campaign funds by U.S. Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. The Tea Party favorite who won the Republican primary in Delaware, then lost in the general election believes that the investigation is politically motivated and spurred on by disgruntled campaign workers. Her own campaign workers.
Now, whether or not Ms. O'Donnell did use money from her campaign for personal expenses really isn't the issue here. Did she use the money to pay her rent? Maybe she did. Did she buy herself a lifestyle she couldn't possibly afford on the intermittent paychecks of an aspiring actor without a college degree.
Which is why she decided to become a witch. Oh. Sorry. She's not a witch. That was the one thing that she established. She's you. That what she said. So, investigating her is just like investigating yourselves. So there. She, and by extension all of you continued: "Given that the king of the Delaware political establishment just so happens to be the vice president of the most liberal presidential administration in U.S. history, it is no surprise that misuse and abuse of the FBI would not be off the table." King of Delaware? Maybe she really is a witch.
Well, even is she is a liar and a witch, it's probably worth the millions of dollars that she may or may not have tossed around over three separate campaigns. We have, or is that she has, already made a similar mistake recently. By shining a spotlight on a poorly qualified media sensation purely for the curiosity quotient, we have created a monster. Not a witch. A monster. One that will not die. With an unquenchable thirst for blood.
This time I suggest we pay the creature, and let her slink back to the shadows of late night talk shows. Then you can forget about her. Or she can forget about herself. I get confused

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