Friday, January 14, 2011


"You're here way too early, Tyrone."
"You're here too early. Coach Eric isn't even here yet."
"It's not even seven thirty yet. There's nobody here to watch you."
"It's before seven thirty. Coach Eric isn't here to watch you."
"My mom dropped me off."
"It's not safe to be here all by yourself in the morning."
"It's not safe to be here before seven thirty. There's no one here to watch you."
"My mom dropped me off."
This exchange went back and forth a few more times, and each time I tried to find the words that would sink into the head of a newly-awakened second grader who was standing on the playground as the sun began to make its way through the clouds with no one else to watch it with him. Why should he have any fear? Why was I trying to put it in him? Obviously his mother trusted us, or the building, in some way to protect her child. There was a fence around the place, after all. I'm sure she probably waited at the curb long enough to be sure that her son made it through the gate and onto the yard.
"My mom doesn't want me to be late to school."
"Okay, Tyrone. Be safe."
With an hour to go until the first bell rings, at least we know he won't be late.

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