Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Can Dream, Can't I?

I know they're still broadcasting football games. As a matter of fact, with all the college bowl games and the way the NFL moves its schedule around to try and get Brett Favre into just one more game, there seems to be more football on TV than ever right now. But for me, the season ended months ago.
Both of the college teams I follow, the University of Colorado Buffaloes and the University of California Golden Bears, are sitting at home this holiday season watching all the post-season hoopla with the same passionate disinterest that I have. When success is measured by becoming "bowl-eligible," which is an equation that requires that your team wins more games than it loses, you might expect that it wouldn't be that hard to make the tournament. And yet my fan rays were simply not enough to carry the day this year. Not even the Beef 'O'Brady's Bowl, which coincidentally has the most apostrophes of any major college bowl game, wanted to give the Buffs or Bears a shot.
On the more professional end of things, the Denver Broncos began this season's slide into ignominy began late last year and just got worse as the 2010 campaign persisted. Consequently, it was the first time in years that I felt a twinge of embarrassment as I wore my blue and orange windbreaker in front of the kids that I teach. At least the Spotsylvania Knights are still alive.
You say you're not familiar with the Golden Knights? Maybe you missed the press release. Perhaps you aren't one of ten individuals with a fantasy football team in our little league. Or maybe you haven't spent any quality time with me over the past few weeks.
My team, the one I virtually own and operate, is playing for the championship. With just one week left in the season, I still have a chance to land on the top of the heap. It won't be an easy run, since I am matched up with the commissioner's team. I remember all too well how things turned last year when I was commissioner. I don't expect to win, but I want to give it my virtual all, and the good Lord willing, things will work out.
In the meantime, I anticipate that when I return to school to begin the new year, I will be sporting my other windbreaker, the one with the Chicago Cubs' logo. And I can start making excuses for them, like any good fan should.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Fan rays: set to Kniggits. Full blast!!

