Thursday, November 18, 2010

Night Moves

Whenever I hear Bob Seger singing "Night Moves," the first thing I think about is: What does "tight pants points hardly reknown" mean? I know that the rest of the song is about making out in the full heat of adolescent passion, but I have no idea what those points are. Then almost as quickly I remember my own back seat memories.
What I remember most is that I wasn't there. Instead, I was such a good friend to my buddy, who was a year older but had not yet made the commitment to buying his own car, that I drove him and his girlfriend around the dark cul de sacs and mountain lanes of Boulder. I listened to the stereo while they steamed up the back window. Every so often I would get a command from the rear, like "Change the station," or "Hold my watch." These things I did dutifully for a pair of reasons. First of all, I was so desperate to please my upperclassman friend that it never occurred to me that when asked the question, "Will you drive me and my date around this Friday night?" I could answer "no." Secondly, I imagined that I was somehow involved in this tempestuous love story that had me as the go-between, the savior of their relationship. I was doing something almost literary in its nobility.
Or maybe I was simply being used. Looking back, it is the portion of my youth that I have the hardest time reconciling. I gave up plenty of evenings when I could have been pursuing my own companion for my own back seat. I could have been home watching "Fantasy Island." I could have found a job babysitting and been paid to watch "Love Boat." Instead, I was using my gas and spare time to drive this tangled mess of heavy breathing around the outskirts of town. It's a self-esteem thing, and I wish that I could go back and tell my sixteen-year-old self to get some esteem, but it turns out that it was one of those events that helped to shape me. And make me flinch every time I hear Bob Seger.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    When you said "tight pants points hardly reknown," I thought you were going to talk about the new TSA screenings.


  2. What's the saying? 'Hang around success until it hangs around you?' or is it, 'hang around sex until it hangs around you?'

  3. I think I blew Donald's mind the other night when I told him the only thing I remember about 8th grade History is wondering if the lyrics of that song meant what I thought they meant.

    I thought they said, "tight pants; points up high on her own." I thought it was a euphemism for perky breasts that I had never heard.

    And then I wondered if anyone ever noticed I had points way up high on MY own....

    And "we used those shields, but neither one cared." Was he talking about Shields™, the same brand of condom that my parents used? I found a wrapper once while emptying the trash...

  4. (Oh, and if anyone is wondering... I didn't go into that much detail when I mentioned this to Donald...)
